A Little Free Library is a small, publicly accessible structure that holds a collection of books available for anyone to take, borrow, or exchange. It operates on the principle of "take a book, return a book," encouraging community members to share their favorite reads and discover new ones.

Little Free Libraries were placed in neighborhoods, parks, or public spaces, promoting literacy, community engagement, and a sense of connection among people. These miniature libraries were painted by LOCAL Gloucester County artists and will be maintained by volunteers, community members, or community organizations (and some help from Gill Memorial Library) to encourage reading and foster a spirit of sharing and learning.

We can't wait for you to Stay Curious.

How to Borrow

It operates on the principle of "take a book, return a book," encouraging community members to share their favorite reads and discover new ones.

So take a book now and when you are done, return it or leave another book behind for someone else to discover.

What you need to know

The Little Free Library phenomenon in Paulsboro encapsulates the essence of community, literacy, and shared learning. These small structures stand as reminders that even in the digital age, the joy of holding a physical book and connecting with fellow readers remains a powerful force for good.

The "take a book, leave a book" ethos keeps the library's content dynamic. It's an ever-evolving collection, reflecting the reading tastes of the community and encouraging regular visits.